Nikos Mavrakis completed his degree in Theatre Studies at the School of Drama, Faculty of Fine Arts at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki as well as Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3 University in Paris. In 2018, he got his “MA in Events and Experience Management” at Goldsmiths University of London, a program which is focused on transforming an event to a unique experience for the spectators, by engaging them in a holistic way.
Since 2014, he has been working on cultural management, supporting Greek directors with their local and international activity. He is the production manager of the much esteemed director, choreographer & performer Euripides Laskaridis, having organised performances in Brussels, Hong Kong, Madrid, New York as well as Onassis Stegi in Athens. He has undertaken numerous productions of Eleusis 2023 – European Capital of Culture. Specifically: Participatory Ephemeral Monument by Olivier Grossetete, History History History by Hungarian-Canadian Deborah Pearson and Un Autre Mystere by the French choreographer Julie Desprairies, who specialises in dance performances in public space. He has also collaborated with directors and actors such as Prodromos Tsinikoris, Iro Bezou, Lydia Koniordou, Charis Pehlivanidis, Korina Vasiliadou and others.
He has repeatedly worked on municipal festivals, as a production coordinator in the international festival of Dimitria and on 2017, along with the honorary professor Apostolos Vettas and the mayor of Thessaloniki, Yiannis Boutaris, during the organisation of the municipal Christmas Festival, “Christmas for All” where 130 festive street activities took place.
He attended the training programme of edification for festival managers, organized by the Festival Academy and European Festivals Association. Furthermore, he has participated in the summer academy of the International network IETM regarding the development of international networks for co-producers and innovative ways of creating international cooperation. Driven by the idea of the globalisation of the performative arts, he has attended a six day workshop run by the internationally known manager Iva Horvat, during Athens and Epidaurus festival.
In 2018 he founded TooFarEast, a company based in Athens, which has been active for almost five years now, organising performances in important theatres, cultural centres and organisations around Greece, such as the Athens Epidaurus Festival, Onassis Stegi, the Greek National Opera and others.
In 2019 he has undertaken a collaboration with the Ministry of Culture, a series of performative readings of ancient dramas at archaeological sites, with the complicity of vulnerable social groups (ROMA women, LGBTQI+ community, refugees, recipients of mental health services etc), an idea developed by the professor Philippos Oreopoulos and directed by Korina Vasiliadou and Themis Theocharoglou.
Since 2014 and to this day he is the co-founder and operator of OMAZ, a platform that voluntarily supports artistic groups/companies that lack the means to present their work by themselves.