Photo by John Stathis
Photo by Eleusis 2021
Photo by Eleusis 2021
Photo by Eleusis 2021
By Olivier Grossetête
Extroversion, collaboration and creative co-existence
The Participatory Ephemeral Monument, inspired by the iconic “Kronos” building was a project exclusively designed for Elefsina reflecting the city’s identity. Its creation lasted 7 days and was a result of a collaboration between Olivier Grossetête and his team and the citizens of Elefsina. For five days (5-9.11.2019) Olivier Grossetête and his associates worked with schools, associations and groups of residents through workshop-seminars where they pre-made the pieces of Kronos. The project culminated with its public 14 meters installation and then its participatory uninstallation in the Heroes Square, the central square of Elefsina. Olivier Grossetête and his team have created over 120 Monumental Participatory Cardboard Constructions over the last 20 years, unique artworks, each inspired by the iconic buildings and monuments of each city.We moved an industrial monument, located on the seafront, and turned it into a participatory experience-project, creating a collective celebration around it. The creative process enhanced the public character of the 3rd anniversary of the city’s proclamation as European Capital of Culture 2021.Through the playful nature of the project and in conjunction with the organization of the 2nd Culture 2030 Meeting, we created a unique opportunity for extroversion, collaboration and creative co-existence for residents and friends of the city and composed a four-day event, rich in participatory activities that transformed Elefsina into the backdrop of a great celebration for everyone.